After the demise of The Throbs following the departure of both Ronnies, guitar player Roger Ericson and bassplayer Danny Nordhal founded The Vibes.
Quite frankly I have no recollections of them from back in the day. Guess I've probably seen a news in an English magazine but fail to remember. It wasn't in the French press for sure as they rarely bother to talk about up-and-coming bands. Anyway...
Obviously I didn't find much informations about them cause except the myspace page created by their drummer Scott Harris in 2006 there is nothing on the web. And since myspace erased a lot of things on the profiles such as blog, pictures... I can relate on almost nothing.
If I'm correct the band was at some point located on the west coast (San Francisco area ?). During their 3 or 4 years of existence they performed concerts regularly and recorded something like 14 songs. At least some of them have been released as a demotape. The others remained unreleased.
Once again Dick Wagner, legendary sidekick of Lou Reed, Alice Cooper but most of all Bob Ezrin, was involved. Since the recording of The Throbs' The language of Thieves and Vagabonds they remained in touch leading Wagner to produce some of the songs.

What really happened to The Vibes then ? I can only guess that they failed to find a record deal during the Grunge days, didn't get any coverage from the press and finally call it quit.
For some reason they shot a video for MTV. Go check it here :
4 songs can be heard online :
If you have any informations on the band feel free to use the Comments section or contact me directly.
I saw them with Kyuss and Cycle Sluts from Hell in August of 1992 at the 9:30 Club in Washington DC. It was a strange lineup and I don't think The Vibes were very engaged or happy with the show.
RépondreSupprimerWeird line-up indeed. Love Kyuss tho'
RépondreSupprimerDid they played only original songs or included Throbs material ?
They were from NYC not west coast. The recorded in LA that might be the confusion wit the West coast thing. The lead singer was Jonny Tingle aka Jonny Vibes. Jonny was moved to NYC by the band. He was in Mass where he had a band called Mona Lisa. Jonny went on to be in a few other bands the best in my opinion being Adharma with Tom Capone from Quicksand and drummer Drew from the band Into Another.